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Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday, 7th November 2023


Mrs K Creese took the chair. Apologies received from Mrs J Benning. All other committee members were present, with a further 14 society members in attendance.


Minutes of the previous General Meeting were confirmed and signed, proposed by Mrs V Walker and seconded by Mr M Cort.

Matters Arising


Chairman's Report

I'll update you on the work undertaken so far this year and then move on to general housekeeping.

Aside from the usual maintenance and boiler call-outs, we have carried out much- needed roofing work to replace fascia and gutterings and repair leaking roofs at ten properties. Work will continue as there are still a number of properties that require replacement gutterings and fascias.

One property has recently been renovated and is due to be let shortly, with renovations underway in a second property, which we hope will be re-let early in the new year.

Boundary fencing works continue. Phases 1 & 2 on Lilac Avenue and Laburnum Road are complete, with phases 3 & 4 further along Laburnum Road to be carried out shortly.

We have reached that time of year again when dampness and mould are prevalent in the properties. It is essential that properties with suspended timber flooring, as many of our houses do have, have adequate airflow underneath the floor. Blocking external air vents creates damp problems in floors and walls; please can tenants ensure that all exterior air vents are not covered or blocked.

Please take time to read through the tackling damp and mould booklet that has been circulated. It contains helpful advice on how to manage moisture in the home. If tenants are facing excessive damp problems, please get in touch. In the event of an emergency repair that cannot wait until the next working day, please ring the emergency number. Every property was issued with a fridge magnet with the emergency number on. If you still need the emergency number or have misplaced your magnet, we have some available at the back of the hall this evening.

Alternatively, they are available from the office. The committee member on call will do their utmost to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Please do not abuse members if they need to visit your property; they are only there to help.

All repairs except for emergency calls must be put in writing to the office, in either a letter or email. These are required for audit purposes. Please do not approach Simon, the maintenance contractor, or committee members to discuss required repairs. Repairs will only be carried out if received in writing, as the committee discusses and approves all repairs. We are currently inundated with requests for tree felling. Anchor Tenants' policy is that trees will only be felled if deemed diseased, dangerous or too close to properties.Tenants have reported increased rodent activity around the estate. If poultry is kept, please ensure that food is stored securely, and any remaining feed should be cleared away at the end of each day. Please avoid feeding wild birds, as this can also attract vermin. Finally, we would like to remind tenants of the three main things imperative to the running of the estate.

Unfortunately, if these obligations are not adhered to, the committee has no choice but to begin possession proceedings. It is not a process used for a first offence, and the committee does not make these decisions lightly and without thorough consideration of all the facts. This concluded the Chairman's report.

Nominations for Committee

Nominations are Mr J Hollis, Mrs L Osborne and Mr L Pierce. As there are three vacancies and three nominations, no vote will be required.

General Business

A shareholder had noticed in the order of members' retirement that only two members are listed to retire in 2025. Mrs Osborne replied that she had been due to retire from the committee at the height of the pandemic in 2020. The Chairman then asked her to stay because it was too difficult to organise meetings and nominations at that time.

This then put everything out of sync.

The shareholder suggested that rule 56 be read, which explains how you arrange the three members who should retire. Another shareholder added that with eight members, it would not be possible for 3 to retire each year. The shareholder continued that members are supposed to serve three years on the committee.

The shareholder who made the original comment stated that nowhere in the rule book says a three-year term, and Mrs Osborne replied that it had been three years for many years. Mr Hollis added that we should think about rewording the rule.

Mrs Osborne continued that if the committee consisted of 9 members, it would be possible for three members to retire each year. Mrs Creese said the committee would review the matter and report to the shareholders at the next General Meeting. This concluded the business of the meeting, and Mrs Creese thanked members for their attendance before declaring the meeting closed at 7.10 pm.

These minutes are the official record of what happened, and not a verbatim account.

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