Mr Pawson took the chair; apologies were received from Mrs Benning, all other committee members were present, with a further 18 society members in attendance.
Minutes of the previous general meeting were confirmed and signed. Proposed by Mr M Osborne and seconded by Mrs J Goodwin.
Mrs Goodwin asked if we were any further forward with the sale of the chapel. Mr Pawson said that the sale was still going through but solicitors are notoriously slow. Mr T Gee asked who was responsible for the land. Mr Pawson replied that it was the United Reformed Church, who had been written to on many occasions and asked to maintain the grounds, but all requests had been ignored.
Mr Pawson, as acting chairman for the evening, began his report by stating that the painting programme in Chestnut Avenue had been completed. This had not been a complete success this year as there had been a number of complaints. The contractors, Cyril John, had addressed these.
We have a lot more work and expense facing us at the moment with five empty properties on the estate. The time spent by our maintenance men on these puts back general repairs. We are looking at the option of bringing in contractors or a third maintenance man.
Because of finances, the exterior painting of the bottom half of Lilac Avenue has been put on hold, also our maintenance men have not been able to carry out the preparation work needed.
The lead replacement in Lilac Avenue is near to completion, we are now waiting for Severn Trent Water to make the final connections.
With regard to the spare land in Lilac Avenue and the land behind the shop in Laburnum Road, Mr Gee has kindly drawn up some plans to create a landscaped area that could be used by the tenants. These plans are available for anyone to look at, and any comments would be welcome.
Finally, there have been sightings of rats on the estate, the heavy rains have caused the drains to flood, and this could be bringing them out. We have been advised not to put out food on the ground as this will only encourage them to stay around.
This concluded the chairman’s report which was proposed by Mr T Gee and seconded by Mrs J Goodwin.
Mr Pawson brought up the question of the Estate’s web site and asked if anyone would have objections to the minutes of the General and Annual Meetings put on. Mrs Goodwin said that she would defiantly not like it. Mrs Vernon said that it might not be good as names are mentioned in the minutes. Mr Pawson said that it would benefit the shareholders; Mr T Gee was in favour.
Mr Pawson referred again to the empty properties and said that some committee members think that these should take priority, while others think tenants repairs should. Mrs Vernon said that it may be a good idea to bring in contractors to carry out work on getting the empty houses ready for new tenants. Mrs Goodwin said that to help things we would need a plasterer and labourer.
Mr Gee brought up the question of the land in Lilac Avenue, and suggested that it could be leased out to be built on. Mr Pawson said that we would not have control on what was built on the land. Mr Gee said that this could be agreed on beforehand. Mr Osborne thought that builders would want full control. Mr Gee said that we would have income coming in; Mr Pawson said that this was an idea that could be looked into. He went on to say that it could be used for caravan storage; this would bring in an income.
Mrs Osborne said that we had had several suggestions to create a landscaped quiet area, so this is why it was looked into.
Mrs Goodwin said that everyone on the estate has gardens and she did not think that it would be used.
Mr Gee suggested that we purchase a Dictaphone, which would help the secretary at the meetings as she does not take shorthand. Mr Pawson asked if anyone would have objections to the meeting being recorded; there were no objections, the general feeling was that it was a good idea. Mrs Osborne pointed out that as soon as the minutes had been typed then the tape would be erased.
Mrs Goodwin asked why the committee had allowed a tenant to alter the boundary line of the garden to take someone else’s.
Mr Pawson said that over the years several garden boundaries had been changed when a request had been made by a tenant. The one that Mrs Goodwin is referring to, unfortunately more garden had been taken that was not agreed to, this was now in the hands of the solicitor. Mrs Goodwin said that this was more expense to the estate now solicitors were involved.
Mrs Cook felt that most gardens on the estate were adequate and could not see the need to want anymore.
Mrs Goodwin went on to ask if we knew the legal requirement concerning the height of hedges.
Mr Gee answered this question by saying that normally the height of a hedge should be no more than 2 metres, but there are exceptions and each situation has to be assessed, as a formula involving distance from houses and light loss have to be taken into account. Mr Pawson went on to say that a complaint has to be registered with the council and a fee paid before a report of high hedges is investigated.
Mr Gee said that if there was a problem with overgrown hedges then surely the estate could do something about it. Mr Pawson said that it was hard to get some tenants co-operation, if they refused what further steps could the committee take.
Mrs Vernon suggested that we cut down overgrown hedges and bill the tenants in question.
Mr Ireland asked why we haven’t got the powers to do what we want, Mr Pawson said that we have to abide by the laws of the land, and have to rely on the community spirit when it comes to what affects our neighbours. Mrs Bakker asked if new tenants should pay a bond that could be used if any cost were incurred cutting down hedges. Mr Pawson said that a bond of thirteen weeks rent is taken and held for five years, or until the tenancy ceases.
Mr Parr asked what would happen if you had a noisy neighbour. Mr Pawson said that the complaint has to be taken to the council.
Mr J Potterton said, on a lighter note, that it was brought up at the last meeting that it will soon be the centenary of the first house built on the estate, and was this to be marked by anything.
Mrs Bradshaw suggested an exhibition reflecting the history of the estate, other suggestions would be welcome.
Mrs Cook thanked the secretary for putting a notice on the gate to the backway, asking that it be closed quietly, this has had some success.
Mrs Osborne informed the meeting that there is a coffee morning on Sunday 29th July 2007 between 11.00am and 12.00pm at the estate office.
This concluded the business of the meeting and Mr Pawson thanked the members for their attendance before declaring the meeting closed at 7.45pm.
These minutes are the official record of what happened, and not a verbatim account.