Mrs K Creese took the chair, all committee members were present with a further 17 society members present.
Minutes of the previous annual general meeting that was not held on 25th March 2020 were confirmed and signed, proposed by Mr M Cort and seconded by Mrs J Bradshaw. The Committee report of March 2021 were confirmed and signed, proposed by Mr G Baker and seconded by Mrs J Taylor.
Good evening everybody, it’s good to see you all again after what has been a very difficult time for everyone. We will now stand and take a minutes silence in memory of shareholders, friends and loved ones who passed away during this time, including our Chairman, Tony Gee.
Before I start my report I would just like to ask that you please refrain from asking questions until after the report has been read. Please be aware, any conversations minuted may be put on an unofficial website. However, names will not be mentioned in the minutes so please feel free to voice your thoughts.
You will all have received the procedure to becoming a new tenant information. The committee thought that it would be good for all tenants and shareholders to know the procedure that is taken and implemented prior to becoming a new tenant and how it works with guarantors where necessary and the timings.
Electrical inspections are still taking place and we are making good progress. We are now three quarters of the way through, working with one contractor and a team of electricians processing the inspections. As previously reported, this is a very costly process which unfortunately we have to comply with as this is a legal requirement. Upon completion of all inspections and work completed re-inspections will not be required for 5 years and should not be as costly.
The guttering and soffit work is also ongoing and we are working our way round the estate to replace old guttering and soffits as and when time allows. We have currently completed this years programme and will recommence in Spring 2022 with exceptions to emergencies.
Due to the feedback on previous painting contractors we are now using a small independent contractor. Although progress is slow his work is excellent. The remaining houses in Lilac Avenue will be completed in Spring 2022.
We have had a few empty properties over the last 18 months, three have been totally renovated and re-let and we are currently working on a fourth. I would like to introduce and welcome our new committee members; John Hollis, Lee Pierce and Ed Busko. I would like to say how pleasing it was to receive such a great response for nominations and voting for new members, it was very encouraging. It is most welcoming to have new members and hope they will come up with some new ideas.
Our auditor, Ross Mee has now retired from his position at Evolve and now James Nixon at Evolve is looking after Anchor Tenants in the future. I would like to say a big thank you to Rachel who has now been with us for nearly a year. It has been a very challenging time for her but I am sure you will agree she is doing a great job.
Due to Covid restrictions the hall was closed to all activities. However most of the clubs have now returned and party bookings are continuing. It has been necessary to install air conditioning to avoid windows being opened and residents having to listen to loud music. In future, no evening bookings will be taken for evening parties for outsiders, only Anchor Tenants residents.
This concluded the Chairman’s report.
The voting was as follows:
Name | Votes |
Mr E Busko | 155 |
Mr I M Carter | 76 |
Mr J Hollis | 172 |
Mrs L Osborne | 167 |
Mr L Pierce | 139 |
Miss D Smith | 76 |
Mrs P Smith | 95 |
We have been informed that auditors do not need to attend our meetings to present accounts. The commentary provided by the accountants was contradictory and therefore of no use. Mrs Creese went on to present the balance sheet to the meeting and the accounts were approved, she then asked if there were any questions.
A tenant asked why the surplus funds were so high and pointed out the amount of corporation tax to be paid. Mrs Creese replied that due to the global pandemic little work was able to be carried out on the estate during 2020. There had also been problems purchasing materials. The tenant went on to say that if rents had not been collected for 2 months at the end of the year then no surplus would have been accrued. Mrs Osborne replied that the surplus had been useful given the costs of the estate’s electric checks this year. If rents had not been collected then a rent increase would have been required to pay for the electric checks.
A tenant brought up what the debts were that totalled to £9000 and presumed it was for unpaid rents. Mrs Osborne replied that all previous rents due have since been collected.
Mrs Creese informed the meeting that James Nixon of Evolve had contacted the office on the morning of 12th October 2021. Mr Nixon had stated that due to Ross Mee’s retirement from the company, Evolve no longer had the required expertise to carry out the accounting work for the society. Therefore we will be looking for a new accountant as soon as possible.
Not required
Mrs Creese said that the Committee now meet on a weekly basis. Fees will remain the same as in previous years at £2.50 per week.
A tenant made the comment that painting at the top of Lilac Avenue is very good. To which another tenant responded that there had not been many colours chosen. Mrs Osborne replied that colour choice of individual properties is the decision of the residents.
A tenant that attends a weekly keep fit class at the hall remarked that the newly installed air conditioning system is a great addition and good for exercise groups that use the hall.
A tenant raised the question about an old car that is rotting which is kept on the back way. Despite meetings with the council and the environmental health department nothing has been done about it. The tenant also brought up that they had erected a 6ft fence at their property but the neighbours hedge next to the fence was now approximately 14ft high. Mrs Creese replied that the car is SORNed so there is little that can be done about it. With regards to gardens, the committee plan to hold an estate walkabout soon.
Mrs Benning went on to say that the committee do sympathise with the problems but our hands are tied and the car does not belong to the neighbouring tenant. The tenant asked if the issue could be taken to court. Mrs Creese explained that legal advice had been taken on the issues but as it is classed as a neighbourly dispute the committee are unable to force any action. Another tenant asked if the neighbour could be billed for gardening work, Mrs Creese replied we can write again but it probably will get us nowhere. To which another tenant replied that then complaints are received about harassing an elderly tenant. Mrs Benning commented that we appreciate it’s difficult and Mrs Osborne responded that the committee's biggest hope was that the environmental department would help. The tenant who asked the original question said that after 2 years of being in contact with them they are no help.
A tenant asked if the older residents New Year party would be taking place. Mrs Creese informed them that the children’s Christmas party would be held before Christmas and the New Year party would take place on the first Saturday in 2022. Dates to be confirmed.
This concluded the business of the meeting and Mrs Creese thanked members for their attendance, before declaring the meeting closed at 7.25pm.
These minutes are the official record of what happened, and not a verbatim account.