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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 30th March 2011


Mrs Benning took the chair: all committee members were present with a further 15 society members in attendance.


Minutes of the previous annual general meeting were confirmed and signed, proposed by Mr M Cort and seconded by Mrs P Smith.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

Chairman’s Report

The chairman commenced her report by informing the meeting that there were at present two empty properties, one of which had to be taken back by the estate under a section 21. Although this had not been a long tenancy, there is a considerable amount of work that needs to be done.

The lead pipe replacement in Fern Rise has been held up by problems with Severn Trent Water losing the paperwork on two separate occasions. This has been on going since June 2010. A third lot of paperwork has been sent and hopefully a date will now be given for the new connections.

The painting programme, 71 to 111 Keyham Lane, will hopefully start in June; doors will be replaced as required.

Tenants in Lilac Avenue, may be wondering what is happening to the land at the back of their properties. We have not heard from Mr Beesley for quite along time, so we are hoping that it stays that way.

The committee have decided to review the need for a rent increase later in the year. Money has been put aside to cover taking over responsibility for central heating systems. There have been a few problems detected when the landlord’s annual safety check has been carried out, but hopefully the funds set aside will cover the cost of any repairs needed.

Last year the age of consent to be offered a house was discussed by the committee, who unanimously decided to leave the age for eligibility for a house at twenty five.

The committee will be doing a walkabout in a few weeks time to have a look around the estate at properties and front gardens.

The committee will be arranging another informal tenants meeting, where it is hoped that a social committee will be formed, who can then arrange events for the estate; tenants will be notified of the date of the meeting.

If anyone is interested in being part of this, then please come along with your ideas. Funding for some events may be available from the estate.

This concluded the chairman’s report

Auditor’s Report

Mr Mee began his report by saying that the accounts paint a different picture from twelve months ago. The rents revenue had increased by £15,000 even though there has been no rent increase. This is solely due to the rent from houses that had been refurbished and let at an increased rent.

The rental for the hall is reduced; this was due to a new lower rental agreement with the Leicester Orpheans Youth Orchestra for this period.

The deficit last year was due to the expenditure on the empty properties and also the legal fees incurred with the disputed land at the rear of Lilac Avenue.

This year there is a surplus of £26,288 this takes back what was lost the previous year. The estate has funds available if spending is needed on taking over responsibility for central heating systems.

The wage increase was due to a staff change and an increase in hours, as well as increased employers national insurance contributions. Less was spent on plumbing, electrical and building supplies, as there were fewer empty properties to refurbish.

Mr Ross finished by saying that the level of income and good management enables the estate to spend on the houses and keep them in good repair.

Mrs J Goodwin proposed that the accounts were accepted as a true record, seconded by Mrs J Gamble.

Mrs J Bradshaw proposed the re-election of Nixon Mee Limited as auditors for the coming year; this was seconded by Mrs V Thornley.


Mrs Benning said that as no one had submitted any names, the committee would appoint the Arbitrators for the coming year.

Remuneration of Committee

Mrs J Bradshaw proposed that the committee fee stay at £2.00 per meeting; this was seconded by Mr M Cort.

General Business

Mr E Gaten asked if repairs to boilers were covered by the estate. Mrs Benning informed the meeting that they were. Mr Gaten asked if a boiler had to be replaced, would the tenant’s rent be increased. Mrs Benning said rent would not be increased.

Mrs Thornley brought up the road that is going through at the rear of her garden. She was assured that no road was going at the rear of Lilac Avenue, as there is no access. She went on to ask about the boundary at the rear of her garden. She was assured that the fence erected by the estate was on the boundary line.

Miss Gamble asked if she could now put up a new fence. Mrs Benning said that fencing could be put up, but it must be on the boundary line which is marked by posts and wire strands, not inside.

Mrs P Smith said that she was going to suggest organising a street party for the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations next year, but after what had been said in the chairman’s report, this would be something for the tenant’s social committee to organise, once one was formed.

Mrs J Gamble asked if the committee knew how much the rent increase would be. Mrs Benning said that this had not been decided as there may not be the need for one during this financial year.

Mrs I Gaten asked if there was going to be a party for the royal wedding. Mrs Benning said that tenants could arrange one if they wanted.

This concluded the business of the meeting and Mrs Benning thanked members for their attendance, before declaring the meeting closed at 7.25pm.

These minutes are the official record of what happened, and not a verbatim account.

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