Anchor Tenants History Logo

AGM 2011

Anchor Tenants Limited
55 Laburnum Road, Leicester, LE5 1FS
AGM Agenda, 2011

The annual general meeting of the above society will be held in Laburnum Hall, 55 Laburnum Road, on Wednesday 30th March 2011 at 7:00pm to transact the following:-

Arbitrators are required as per Rule 88.1 below:-

Appointment of Arbitrators - At a general meeting of the society five arbitrators shall be elected, none of whom are directly or indirectly interested in the funds of the society.

If you know of any suitable person who would be willing to act as an arbitrator, then please give their name and address to the secretary before the start of the meeting.

Click here to download the full version of this notice in pdf format. Note that Adobe reader version 7 or above is required to view this file.

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