Anchor Tenants History Logo

Rules past and present

Early rules

Some of the earlier editions of the rules may be of interest and are now available for download in pdf format. Note: Acrobat reader version 7 or above is required to read these files. Get Adobe reader

Rules 1910
Rules 1902
Rules 1910
Rules 1910
Rules 1937
Rules 1937
Rules 1971
Rules 1971
Rules 1987
Rules 1987
Rules 2001 (current)
Rules 2001 pdf
Rules 2001 (pdf)
Rules 2001 ePub
Rules 2001 (ePub)

In 2001 the following amendments were made to the rules of the Society. These alterations corrected errors, updated some rules and added a new one. These changes are described in more detail below.


In 1935, rule 46 was deleted and the subsequent rules were renumbered. Unfortunately, some references to renumbered rules were not changed. E.g. Rule 93 refers to rule 86 as being fundamental, this should in fact be rule 85. These errors have been corrected and also minor changes made to correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.


Amounts of money mentioned. These amounts have now been left to the discretion of the committee. This brings them into line with other rules relating to the powers of the committee.

Rule 98, payment of rent by Direct Debit, has been moved to a more appropriate position at rule 70 (4).


For several years now the committee have ensured that all prospective tenants must meet certain criteria before being offered a tenancy. These criteria have now been formalised in a new rule 70 (5).

J. Goodwin (Mrs), Chairman

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Page last modified: 24th November 2021 17:41:49 (syno918)